Oxford's oldest student newspaper

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North Korea and the Global Nuclear Order review – “An excellent account”

Dr Edward Howell, whose columns in the Spectator and the Telegraph are among the few intelligent and readable things left in those outlets, has produced an excellent account of...

A Revolution Betrayed by Peter Hitchens review – In Defence of Grammar Schools

Review – A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked the British Education System by Peter...

Veranilda by George Gissing review – The best historical novel never written

George Gissing remains the most underrated novelist in the English language. He wrote twenty-three...

Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart review – “The prime minister we never had”

This is a marvellous book, a memoir of Rory Stewart’s nine years in Parliament,...

The Conservative Effect, 2010-2024 review: “Comprehensive and damning”

If you only read one book on British politics this year, make it this one. 

Déjà view: Seen it all before?

Antz and A Bug's Life, Deep Impact and Armageddon, Kick-Ass and Hanna: similarities in themes and plot demonstrate Hollywood's inability to go beyond trends

Review: Shostakovich by Florestan Trio and Susan Gritton

One of the most exciting ensembles on the British classical music scene's final recording is a difficult yet fascinating listen

Review: w h o k i l l by tUnE-yArDs

Singer-songwriter Merrill Garbus' solo project tUnE-yArDs yields another album of sonic potpourri; jarring yet irresistible

What Doherty did next…

Cherwell saw Pete Doherty of Pete Doherty infamy at the O2 Academy, and was pleasantly surprised by both his punctuality and his performance

Diving in at the shallow end

Is the short story a lesser genre? Ella Sands recommends some conveniently brief gems.

First past the postmodern

The latest round-up of contemporary British art, In the Days of the Comet, proposes to show us ‘alternative ways of thinking about the here and now’ yet only seems to confuse and irritate


Harriet Baker reveals all about this pioneering female playwright

Review: The Man with a Flower in his Mouth

Wake up and smell the coffee: Josephine Sarchet discovers that Metta Theatre’s Pirandello performance in a café is more than just a gimmick

Taking Wadstock

Penny Sarchet tells us what its like to play with a funk soul ensemble at Oxford University's annual festival event.

Week in Pictures (2)

This week, Amelia Cox shares moments captured during her trip to Holland - and there's not a windmill in sight

Week In Pictures (1)

Joseph Caruana goes back home to Malta to bring us some splendid colour and light

May Day, May Day!

Cherwell's photo team document this year's May Day mayhem

Review: Marcus Foster Live

Francesca Wade is impressed by the rock ballads of Robert Pattinson's best mate

Review: Ashmolean Late and Pots and Plays

Operas, poetry, audio plays and two very intense DJs - Rebecca Tatlow reports on one of her favourite nights out in a long time

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