Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


North Korea and the Global Nuclear Order review – “An excellent account”

Dr Edward Howell, whose columns in the Spectator and the Telegraph are among the few intelligent and readable things left in those outlets, has produced an excellent account of...

A Revolution Betrayed by Peter Hitchens review – In Defence of Grammar Schools

Review – A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked the British Education System by Peter...

Veranilda by George Gissing review – The best historical novel never written

George Gissing remains the most underrated novelist in the English language. He wrote twenty-three...

Politics on the Edge by Rory Stewart review – “The prime minister we never had”

This is a marvellous book, a memoir of Rory Stewart’s nine years in Parliament,...

The Conservative Effect, 2010-2024 review: “Comprehensive and damning”

If you only read one book on British politics this year, make it this one. 

A song about flippers? S-imp-le

Francesca Wade is wowed by the Oxford Imps in rehearsal and in performance

Review: Five Noh Plays

Concepta Cassar is impressed by the creative combination of Ezra Pound and Erik Satie in Merton Chapel

Review: A Little Too Dark

Rosalyn Johnston sees crude jokes and dodgy accents redeemed by some very funny sketches

Review: True Grit

‘I’m too Old and Fat’ - Cherwell takes a look at re-making the Western.

Review: Year of the Rat

George Orwell finds love and talking animals on a remote island...

We’re All Bokononists

Kurt Vonnegut's insight applies to today's political culture.

Review: Tribes gig at the Cellar, 5th February

Flo manages to catch up with the band before their gig

Review: Gil Scott-Heron And Jamie xx – We’re New Here

An album that will win you over to the 'post-dubstep' sound of 2011

Review: Barber Of Seville

Leah Broad praises New Chamber Opera's production of The Barber at the Sheldonian Theatre

Prepare to De/Install

Henrietta Landells chats with Peter Shenai, one of the brains behind MAO's new installation.

‘And the loser is…’

Cherwell looks at the best films to have not won a Best Picture Academy Award

When TV thinks big

Cherwell considers the thinning line between television and cinema

Review: Batman The Pantomime

The Dark Knight becomes Light Entertainer

Review: A Dream Play

William Hooper finds his dreams coming true in this spectacular production

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