Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Home, and how to find it

It seems like life after university is a journey to find our way home, whatever that means.

Three Thousand reasons to slurp

I thought the place was great, especially as a very quick sit down option.

Christmas mourning

This will be my second Christmas without presents wrapped in wallpaper, and gift tags with clues on them rather than names...

A defence of students’ reliance on AI (and how to fix it)

Unless my friends are particularly fiendish, I’m pretty certain that “I’m just going to...

The last tutorial: Let the nostalgia – and the anxiety – sink in

Many of us have heard the dreaded ‘So… any idea what you’re doing next?’. It makes me a little irate, anxious, and on the verge of a minor breakdown, as you can probably tell. Two years of my undergraduate degree have somehow disappeared with the blink of an eye – I am older but seem to be none the wiser.

Life Divided: Love Island

Charles Britton and Bessie Yuill make sparks fly over the show that everyone's talking about

My town and my gown: from boogie boards to bicycles

Kathleen Farmilo suggests that a long-haul flight is not the only thing separating Oxford from Adelaide

Life Divided: Oxlove

Maxim Parr-Reid and James Lamming debate the vices and virtues of Oxford’s most amatory Facebook page

Life Divided: Carnations

Jamie Onslow and Nicola Dwornik discuss the finer points of an exam tradition

Stigma, suffering, and breaking the silence

Struggling with depression at Oxford, and how the conversation is only just beginning

“Alan Rusbridger ended the phone call by saying, ‘for fuck’s sake, just come along.'”

Kobir Ahamed reflects on his experience in Lady Margaret Hall’s pioneering Foundation Year Programme

College Insider at Pembroke

Our insider reveals Pembroke's concerning Pimm’s dependency

SnapShot: Techno where you’d least expect it

Matt Roller has an overwhelming night in a quieter corner of Oxford

Blind Date: “I was on a date with one of the roguest guys in Oxford”

Nicky Halterman and Lucy Frost hit it off over dogs, but eccentric hobbies prove a sticking point.

SnapShot: Crewdate

Emma Leech revels in journalistic gaiety as Cherwell meets The Other Place

Landlords, neighbours, and noise complaints

Aidan Balfe’s reflections on a year of living out in Cowley, and the communal living myth

College Insider at St Anne’s

Our insider pens a desperate plea to the outside world from the cold, dark periphery of Oxford University

College Insider at Keble

Our insider on unorthodox architecture, and a brick

Snapshot: Brasenose Ball

Esmé Ash relives a night of sugar highs and The Jackson 5

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