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5 Minute Tute: Women in Prison

What do ‘Women in Prison’ do? 

WIP is dedicated to making a difference to women at risk of, in, or leaving custody by working to promote their resettlement, personal development, education and training. WIP also educates the public and policy makers about women in the criminal justice system and promotes alternatives to custody.

Should the justice system treat women differently? 

WIP has always believed that chaotic offending, substance misuse and prison represent the end of a long journey of increasing marginalisation and disadvantage for many women. Often the beginning of the journey is marked by trauma in the form of abuse, neglect or violence. There are many possible points of intervention along the way, before women become entangled in the criminal justice system. There should be a range of easily accessible services in place to meet the needs of abused and disadvantaged women and girls so that they do not end up in the criminal justice system.

What is the alternative to sending the majority of female offenders to prison? 

WIP believes the majority of women should be dealt with in the community in programmes specifically designed to meet their needs. Imprisonment should be used only in cases where women pose a threat to public safety. Prisons, for these women, should be small local units in urban areas offering a range of services including in-reach by community health, housing and social services and enhanced opportunities for keeping in touch with family and other support.

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