Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920


Lady Elish Angiolini: “It’s about affection for the university and its students, academics, fellows, and administrative staff.”

Lady Elish Angiolini is a distinguished lawyer, having been Lord Advocate of Scotland from 2006 to 2011, and currently occupying the position of Lord Clerk Register. She has been prominent in the news recently as the chair of the Sarah Everard inquiry. Lady Angiolini is also a Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University and the beloved Principal of St Hugh’s College. Cherwell spoke to her in her office in St Hugh’s. Cherwell: You were the first woman to hold the position of...



Where to go when accessibility fails?

The fiasco escalated when the extra time was not implemented, resulting in my exam finishing at the same time as everyone else's: I was locked out of my computer.

Students split on latest UCAS changes

Among a sample group of Year 12 students surveyed for Cherwell, 69% agreed with UCAS’ assessment, suggesting that this “roadmap” might indeed give students a clearer vision of the end product. 

The ‘cult’ that recruited Oxbridge students… including me

I was barely seventeen, thousands of dollars of crypto money in, and sat on the 2nd floor of a Berlin conference centre.

War crimes, rent climbs, and bad wines: A very short history of protest at Oxford

We start all the way back in February 1355 with perhaps the most pretentious cause for protest possible.

Has Oxford made us hate reading?

"Ever felt like you were suffocating under a pile of books, making the idea of picking up yet another feel utterly daunting?"

The Tradwife phenomenon: homesick for subservience

If you’ve been on TikTok at all recently (or Instagram Reels, if you’re that way inclined), you will have noticed a vast array of videos featuring picture-perfect American wives competing in beauty pageants weeks after giving birth, churning their own butter, donning 1950s house dresses, and advocating marital subservience....


Eileen Gu on Olympic skiing, fashion modelling, and studying at Oxford

In China and beyond, Eileen Gu is an icon. You see her defy gravity with impossible spins as the first woman to land a forward double cork 1440 in freestyle skiing. You see her dazzle at Met Gala and grace the cover of every major fashion magazine. Somehow alongside...

Dominic Grieve: “The point is, can one be useful for the university? I think I can.”

Dominic Grieve KC is ready for the job, or as ready as you can be for a job that has no real defined role. By his own admission, of the countless election campaigns that he has fought in his life, this one is “totally unique”. Having said that, Grieve...


‘Glitz, glamour, pizzazz’: In conversation with The Great Gatsby

This weekend, I sat down with Mina Moniri and Peter Todd, the co-writing/co-directing duo of a brand-spanking new adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

Review: The Safe Keep by Yael Van der Wouden

In not necessarily liking Isabel, we are free to understand her, even if this understanding does boil down to something rather simple.


A comprehensive guide to Oxford student stereotypes

The facts of Oxford are far ahead of its fictions, creating a peculiar disjunct in the identities of its undergraduates. Each student must battle with either “I’m not your stereotypical Oxford student!” or “I am your stereotypical Oxford student!”

Represented at Oxford: State School Students

How did we come from the Bullingdon Club culture to the Oxford we have today?

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