Monday, March 17, 2025

Parish Councillor and Old Oxonian faces legal action

Oxford Parish Councillor Julia Gasper, who stood for the English Democrats in the European elections in May, has been threatened with legal action.

The former UKIP Oxford Chairperson claimed in her blog that members of the public required “police protection” from the “queer mafia”, while in an earlier post she referred to the “Pink News mafia” as having its own “hit-list”.

She wrote, “If you read anything in Pink News you can be fairly certain it is untrue. The revolting little website exists to stir up a climate of hatred and intolerance among homosexuals towards the rest of the population.

“They even bombard other homosexuals such as Rupert Everett with hate-mail and death-threats when he says anything against their agenda.”

PinkNews Editor Joseph Patrick McCormick told Cherwell, “We are disgusted by the incredibly serious allegations made against PinkNews by Dr Gasper. Writing on her blog, she has alleged that PinkNews has its own mafia, which puts celebrities on a hit list.

“Having written to Dr. Gasper’s solicitors to ask them to provide evidence of her claims, we are still awaiting a response. This is particularly shocking as Dr Gasper is an elected representative who sits on the Rishinghurst and Sandhills Parish Council. I do wonder what her residents would make of their councillor making such spurious allegations.”

In a “flashback” post published on 20th September, she declared that “getting death-threats from homo-extremists is part of modern life.”

She also linked to a page called “Gay Mafia Watch”, who describe themselves as an “anonymous, independent and impartial group of observers who feel the need for there to be a ‘watchdog’ asking questions and raising standards within the LGBT media sector. Rest assured, no stone will be left unturned in our mission to OUT and EXPOSE — The Gay Mafia [sic].”

When contacted by Cherwell, Dr.Gasper, who studied for a DPhil in English Literature at Somerville, re-marked, “There’s no story here – I think it’s all just a lot of rubbish.”

Gasper formerly made headlines in May after claiming that there are “too many homosexuals in Parliament” and calling for the banning of dating app Grindr “and similar networks that damage public health”.

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