Sunday, March 9, 2025

Movie Buff

Sir,I’d like to pick the ever-inaccurate Evelyn (‘John Evelyn’, 2 May) up on a couple of points. Firstly, the game to which he refers is known as ‘Deer Hunter’ (it was, as every fool knows, the inspiration for Scorcese’s film of the same name which transplanted the game to Vietnam) and secondly I looked like a twat, not a ‘nob’. As for his baffling “faerie queene” I can only assume that this refers not to my sexuality (as a healthy and noble demonstration of masculinity the game itself dates back to the Anglo- Saxon mead-hall and is cited in the lost passages of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight) but to my renowned literary prowess. I remain yours &c.,Patrick Hennessey, BalliolARCHIVE: 2nd Week TT 2003

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