Ones to Watch

Another good reason, joyous rampant bisexuality aside, to be a Wadhamite. This Saturday, do anything you can from begging, bribery and sucking Wadhamite cock to gain entry to the definitive student band event, Wadstock (free for college members, £5 for their guests). Featuring everything from disturbation and guaranteed sadistfaction from At Risk to scratch-licious DJ sets later in the evening, this promises to be a great opportunity to get that faux-festival feeling. And to get really really pissed. More drunken dallyings are guaranteed on Monday 19 May at Po Na Nas. It’s another school disco-themed party, organised by members of the law school. We at Cherwell Arts are disappointed by the usually half-arsed attempts at what should be great excuse to dress up in fetish gear, and we demand that people go the whole hog with leather and authentic schoolgirl knee-high socks. Either way, it’s for charidee. Less exhausting is Egmo’s film night on Wednesday 21 May at Magdalen Auditorium at 7.30. Don’t be put off by the fact that these will be authentic Awwwxfud-made films, promises cinematic bliss. At nominal fee of £2 entry, it’s better than scoring those dodgy Es for the same price, right? Look out for St Peter’s Arts festival: if big brother extravaganza and poetry slam mean anything to you. It’s diverse and experimental, they say. Kinky, then. Is it time to finely hone those pulling skills? Maybe you just want to look like a twat in front of your friends? If you haven’t done this adequately after Friday night, then you’re a loser. And you’re not too hungover to wake up for the 11am beginners Salsa class in the Mure room, Merton College, Saturday 16 May, then you’ve missed the point of being a student entirely. More Latino antics than you can shake a J-lo-esque arse at: get piss-fucked on booze in swanky settings at the University Salsa society-organised ball at the Randolph on Saturday 24 May.
ARCHIVE: 3rd Week TT 2003

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