In the recent Wadham SU presidential elections, students voted
to reopen nominations rather than elect those standing for
election. No ostensible reasons for this result have emerged,
other than the dearth of candidates. Only one first year, Adam Craig, stood for election,
suggesting disillusionment within the SU. Many Wadham students
also feel Rob Vance’s role as former SU president would be a
tough act to follow. ==== St Hugh’s JCR President, Dominic Curran, resigned on
Wednesday, in the run up to his finals as his college continue a
rent fight. A quarter of the St Hugh’s undergraduates formed a 130 ft
long chain outside their governing body on Wednesday, as part of
a campaign to fight the ongoing rent increases. The governing
body will increase rent by a further 7 % in the 2005-2006
academic year, bringing battels up by 36% over the four years. ==== 200 students from St Catz also spent Wednesday lunchtime in
silent protest about a proposed rent increase of 10.2% next year. The protest came before the college governing body met to
discuss charging students the full economic cost (FECA) of their
rooms. Students lined the main quad with posters like “FECA:
Fearfully Expensive College Accommodation”. Pete Dale, JCR
President, said that the college has a duty to subsidise
accommodation.ARCHIVE: 3rd week TT 2004