Monday, March 10, 2025

Trial set for Tibet

The New College student who ran out in front of the car of the
Chinese Premier in a pro-Tibet protest last week intends to
represent himself as he faces criminal porceedings in July. Appearing before Magistrates on Tuesday, Matthew Sellwood, a
veteran protestor and activist, pleaded not guilty to offences of
public disorder. His trial will go ahead on Monday 26 July. Recent changes in the law meant that Sellwood was unable to
rely upon the assistance of the duty solicitor in the court-room.
He told the courts that he was unwilling to employ private
counsel and would therefore appear without representation in
July. A spokesman for the prosecution estimated that the trial
would take several hours to conclude. Speaking to Cherwell, Sellwood explained his intentions to
highlight supposed inaccuracies in “the police witness
statements and the charge sheets”. “I will also use arguments about the validity of
protesting against an authoritarian, repressive government and
for human rights.”ARCHIVE: 3rd week TT 2004 

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