Monday, March 3, 2025

Burglars walk through Open Doors

One in five burglaries in Oxford occur as a result of owners
leaving their doors and windows open, according to newly-released
figures. Thames Valley Police are urging all local residents to avoid
making themselves prey to burglars by locking up. According to a
police spokesperson, “Over the summer months even more of us
are tempted to leave windows open all day when we are out.” This term alone, thefts have been reported at Merton, New,
Brasenose and Jesus colleges. The robbers have mainly targeted
laptops. University College is so concerned at the threat posed
by intruders that it now offers free alarms for all women living
in a ground floor room. One victim of crime, second year historian Sanam Mirza, warned
other students to buy a tether to secure their laptop. “Back
up all your bloody work,” she added.ARCHIVE: 5th week TT 2004 

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