A New College student has been called up for a disciplinary
hearing, after he ‘replied-all’ to the Law Soc
mailing-list with a single abusive word. Oliver Wilson, a
third-year New College Law finalist, has received a decanal
summons to explain why he sent what university regulations
classify as an “abusive email”. Halina Wielogorska, the Publicity Secretary of the society had
accidentally sent out an email advertising the “Barristers
and bevies” evening which enabled all recipients to reply to
the whole list, as opposed to the usual undisclosed recipients
list. Wilson, it seems, clicked on reply-all and sent an email to
all 600 members with the single word spelled out in block
capitals, “CUNT.” Wilson refused to speak to Cherwell, but a close personal
friend claims that he is “upset” and suggested that a
hacker may have sent the email. Another student, Ben Eyre, a
first-year Lawyer, took the opportunity to advertise the annual
Greyfriars invitational 5-a-side football tournament on the list.
Speaking to Cherwell, Eyre said he had made “a genuine
mistake” by confusing the reply and reply-all options. Another email was later sent from the Law Society apologizing
for the “rogue emails” that had been circulating and
advising no one else to reply to the list. “Disciplinary
proceedings have been initiated”, it continued. The email
also detailed the fates of other students, who in 1998 suffered
rustication and fines ranging from £50 to £500 for similar
offences.ARCHIVE: 6th week TT 2004