Former Oxford Student Tackles Thief

Former Oxford University student Benji Tucker was awared the High Sheriff's award for bravery, after he confronted a thief in October of last year.While walking home to his flat, Tucker heard screams coming from Roger Dudman Way. After deciding to investigate the noise, he discovered Priyanka Sharma fighting Elvis Springer for her handbag. Springer began to run off, and Tucker followed."I ran after the bike until I'd caught up with him. I got the bag back and then he smacked me round the head with his metal bike lock."I didn't think of it being dangerous when I initially started running after him. It was only later, when I was standing opposite him and I thought 'This guy's huge and he's got a metal bar' and then I was more concerned."Springer, a serial criminal, was jailed for 20 months.Yesterday at Oxford Crown Court, Tucker received a certificate for his courageous act, and a cheque for £250.

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