Want to work on Cherwell24?

Want to work for Cherwell24? Updated daily throughout term time, Cherwell24 is the most up-to-date news-source in Oxford.We're looking for writers, broadcasters, photographers, and new ideas. If you want to get involved, e-mail the section editor below at
online @ cherwell . org or come to our weekly meeting on Sunday at 11:30am, held at the Cherwell offices on St Aldate's (red building, opposite La Croissanterie and The Old Tom. E-mail for further details.)Editors: Fiona Wilson (Hertford) and Leah Klement (St Anne's)
Deputy Editors: Leon Harrington (New) and Selena Wisnom (St Hilda's) News: Laura Pitel (St Anne's)Features: Charlotte King (Balliol) and Sam Harding (Christ Church)Stage: Sinead Mattock (Brasenose)Music: Vikram Joseph (New) and Joseph Rowan (Balliol)Books/Exhibitions: Daisy Dunn (St Hilda's)Science: Connie Han (Madgalen)Sport: James Beard (Wadham)
Comment: Matthew Burn (Wadham) and Samuel Counsell (Trinity)

Want to get involved in the print edition Cherwell?
Meetings are as follows…
News Monday, 1.15, Pembroke
Features Saturday, 2, Worcester
Lifestyle Monday, 6, Kings Arms
Culture Wednesday, 2, Merton
Sport Friday, 5, Kings Arms

Got any news? E-mail news @ cherwell . org

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