Monday, January 27, 2025

Three University staff named women of the year

Three members of Oxford University staff have been named as 'Oxfordshire Women of the Year 2007'. Mrs Elizabeth Crawford, Professor Helen Mardon, and Professor Irene Tracey were selected along with five others by the 'Oxfordshire Women of the Year' Lunch and Assembly committee, for an award designed to bring outstanding women in Oxfordshire together from all ages and backgrounds.Mrs Elizabeth Crawford is the Domestic Bursar of University College, and the chairman of the Domestic Bursar’s Committee for all 39 Oxford colleges. Professor Helen Mardon is a Tutor in Medical Sciences at St Catherine’s College and Professor of Reproductive Science. She runs a research group at the Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology investigating technologies for stem-cell micro-monitoring and expansion, in particular the interaction of extra cellular signalling molecules with their receptors in the womb lining. Professor Irene Tracey is Director the of Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) Centre, Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetic Science, and a Fellow of Medicine at Pembroke College. Her team is researching on using FMRI and electroencephalography to study pain processing in the brain and spinal cord of chronic pain patients.Sister Frances Dominica was announced as the overall ‘Woman of the Year 2007’, whose achievements include the founding of the world’s first children’s hospice, Helen House, in Oxford in 1982.


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