Friday, March 14, 2025

Fears over Oxford Infestation

Oxford's infested, claims an Oxford Academic, amid fears that the number of rats are on the rise in Oxford.The investigation comes after Dr Frances Kennett claimed that rats had infested her house in Jericho. The Oxford Academic claimed that the reduction of waste-removal services in the area had brought the issue about:"I have lived in this house for a very long time and have never had rats until three months after the new collection was introduced. The whole thing is turning into a farce."Local council claimed that it wasn't the fortnightly collections that were causing the problem, but the significant damage to the sewage pipes until Dr Kennett's house. City Councillor Jean Fooks added: "We do know the sewer under Dr Kennett's house has got a lot of damage.It needs to be fixed – the question is who pays for it because it is high time it was done.As I keep saying until I am blue in the face, there is no evidence of an increased rat population in Oxford or tat fortnightly waste collections have anything to do with it."Thames Water will carry out surveys of the sewers under the houses on Great Clarendon Street next week. A 2-foot long torpedo-shaped probe, complete with a camera and lights, will be sent underground to see whether or not the sewers under the houses in Jericho are infested with rats. Experts hope to ascertain whether or not the reports are valid and how to deal with the issue if it is.

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