Monday, March 10, 2025

Single review: Sons & Daughters, ‘Darling’

As nice as it is to hear some fresh female vocals and great harmony in the chorus, this single left something to be desired.To be fair, the song flows very succinctly from chorus to verse to middle eight to chorus… But that’s just the problem. It just moves around a bit with the occasional moment of interest where the same guitar riff is repeated or slightly extended. Where’s the tension and release? Where’s the excitement?‘Darling’ is kind of catchy I suppose. Well, I tap my foot to it – not much else though. I don’t think I could remember a single lyric if I tried.Also on the single are two remixes. The Jape Remix of Darling massacres the song, taking away all its drive, and going bass-crazy, something which really doesn’t suit the light indie sound Sons & Daughters seem to do well.The Whip Remix of ‘Killer’ is more down my street, packed with minimalist electro beats, which are just plain good for dancing round your room to.‘Darling’ is definitely a grower, and is by no means a poor song, but I can’t help but feel something is missing. Where, oh where, is the variety?By Daniel Millichip, Deputy Editor, Cherwell24

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