Thursday, March 6, 2025

President delays Omkar vote

A vote on Krishna Omkar’s proposals to change Union rules has been delayed until Thursday. If passed, the rule changes will overturn lifetime bans from running in Union elections. Omkar is currently subject to such a ban.The vote was originally going to take place yesterday but President Emily Partington proposed for it to be “requisitioned” until fifth week to “enable the general membership of the Union to have a chance to make their mind up about the changes.”However as Omkar will be in Delhi during fifth and sixth weeks for personal reasons, a compromise of fourth week has been reached.Minutes of the Emergency Standing Committee that voted on the delay show that Omkar criticised the move as being “for the political self-interests of Committee members.”He was referring to the elections due to take place at the end of this term, in which several members of the current Standing Committee are expected to contest the Union’s presidency.  Omkar believes that those members do not wish to stand against him in an election. Emily Partington admitted that the delay “could easily be construed as political”, but insisted that it was in the best interests of the society.“There is nothing detrimental to leaving it for a week,” she said.  “What would be worse would be looking back and saying we’ve rushed it through the chamber.”

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