Monday, March 3, 2025

Blues Athlete of the Week -Beth Wild

College: St Hilda's Clubs: Oxford University Hockey Club, Oxford University Women’s Cricket Club Year/Course: 3rd Year Geography Positions: Centre Forward, RHB, OB  
How are you preparing for Hockey Varsity? Do you have fond memories of previous Varsity matches? 
Varsity Hockey is in 8th week of this term, so at the moment we are trying not to get too focussed on it: we are in the last 16 of BUSA, due to play Northumbria on Wednesday of 5th, which is our current priority.  After that we try to play Varsity like any other game, to ensure that we don't get caught up in the moment.  I played in my first and second years and can, without hesitation, say that both days were incredible!  The whole occasion is immense, and I managed to get Man of the Match last year, and a few goals in both games,so I will always remember them.  
Have you started cricket training yet? 
I was the first girl to be selected to the MCC cricket academy here, which runs all year, so yes I have been training throughout last term and this term -mainly technical stuff at the moment. 

Are you looking forward to getting back to Lord's?  Does playing on the Nursery Ground impact the atmosphere? 
I played Varsity cricket at Lord's in both my first and second years – it is a real privilege to play there, and I can't wait to get back out there this summer.  I don't think playing on the nursery ground detracts from it at all -in fact I think it is much better, the boundaries are a more realistic size for the girls, and we usually get a bigger crowd than the lads, which makes an awesome atmosphere.  
Do you follow women's or men's cricket?   
I do follow women's cricket – I think it is the fastest growing women's sport behind football, which means that there is a lot more media coverage now than has previously been the case.  I don't have a favourite women's player, but in the men's team I really admire Ali Cook from Essex.  
Do you think you may play to a professional level? 
I have played for the England Development side, and under 21s.  Neither hockey nor women's cricket is a professional sport, but I would really like to take a year once I finish my degree to really focus on them both, and see which I can go furthest with – I don't really mind which.  I am also running for Sports Federation President for next year: Hustings in Sixth week.  
If you could choose one Varsity match to win, which would it be? 
You can't ask me that! I would be very disappointed to lose either….  
Does playing both sports to Blues level interfere with your degree much?  How do you juggle your time? 
It can be stressful at times playing two Blues sports, and trying to do well in my degree, but I find that I am most efficient when I am busy, and have a set time to get something done in.  I try to prioritise work as much as possible, ultimately you do come to Oxford to get a good degree…  
How do the two sports fit together? 
I find that hockey and cricket compliment each other really well training wise, which saves some time. For instance, a lot of my cricket fitness work will come by playing hockey.  Also, I am fortunate that hockey is a winter sport, and cricket is predominantly a summer sport, so I don't get too many clashes.  
Do you play any college sport? 
I play hockey for St Hilda's: we are reigning Cuppers champions, and are hoping to defend our title this year, but I don't have much time for anything else. 

Who has the best banter on the teams? 
I think I have to say Pope (Alice INDIA Cook, from Lincoln) from OUHC.  She is pretty big time.

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