Sunday, March 9, 2025

Police investigate claims of assault outside Filth

Police are investigating an Oxford student’s claims that he was attacked by a bouncer outside Filth after being ejected from the club.

Charlie Moore, a first year Brasenose student, claims that he was left with a bloody nose after the incident, which he says took place in the early hours of Friday morning.

Speaking about what he claims took place Moore said, “For no reason that I can remember I was picked up and thrown out of the club by a bouncer and then physically thrown onto the floor outside Filth. I got up and naturally wanted to go back inside. But when I approached the bouncer and asked if I could go back in he told me to ‘fuck off’. Then he head butted me in the nose so hard that I had blood gushing everywhere. I went back over to my friends and another guy called the police.”

Whilst admitting he was rather drunk at the time, Moore claims that had the bouncer insisted on him leaving he “would have been happy to do so.”

While the police took statements Moore says that he spoke to the management at Filth. “They said that the reason I had been thrown out was because I had been touching the fire exit. But that does not give the bouncers the right to manhandle me.”

The management of Filth claim that they have subsequently checked CCTV footage of the evening and could not find anything to corroborate the claim of the attack.  Filth owner Stuart Kerley said that Moore was thrown out for pulling down drapes on the club’s dancefloor. He denied that any of the club’s bouncers could have been involved, insisting that they were inside the bar at the time of the alleged attack.

“It’s a bit of a mystery,” said Kerley. “As far as we’re concerned we’ve done an internal investigation and there is no evidence of anything at all.”

Louise Randall, Vice President (Welfare and Equal Opportunities) of OUSU said, “All students deserve to have fun and feel safe at every club night they attend. If clubs and their promoters are going to provide an environment for students to have fun and have a drink in they need to take some responsibility for maintaining a safe atmosphere; the door staff are there to help with that, and if this allegation is true then something has clearly gone wrong down at Filth.”

Moore was more philosophical, saying simply “I think I will be giving Filth a wide berth, for this term at least.”by Katherine Hall, Deputy News Editor

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