Gravity’s Rainbow, Pynchon’s manic schizophrenic novel, originally titled ‘Mindless Pleasures’, is a quasi-sequel to his previous work V, which had appeared in 1963 to...
Roundup -
So with 99% of results in Hillary Clinton won the Ohio primary by 10
points, and the Texas primary by 4 points. In the results from the
Texas caucus Obama is currently leading by single digits with around
one-third of the results reported. What does all this mean? In short,
it means the race is going to continue for a while longer. Hillary has
survived a night which could have ended her campaign and lives to fight
another day, able to claim that she has halted Obama's momentum after
he won 12 states in a row. However, everything is not rosy for her. She
remains well behind in delegates (still around 80 behind in pledged
delegates) and she's running out of opportunities to make up that gap.
Plus, whilst the victories tonight were important, she had long been
expected to win Ohio and Texas. Given the demographics in each they
were viewed as a Clinton 'firewall' and the fact that Texas was fairly
close and Ohio wasn't a total blowout means that she stil
"I am convinced that we can eliminate single-use disposable bags altogether, in favour of long-lasting and more sustainable alternatives"-Prime Minister Brown