Cherwell vs OxStu: Issue 3

Aldate was somewhat underwhelmed by both news sections this week.




The OxStu’s front page story on the changing status of JCRs might have been vaguely interesting, had it been written in February 2007.  The story seems to be based almost entirely on an NUS document published over a year ago .  The only ‘news’ – that Queen’s JCR is to address the issue next week – comes halfway down on page 2. Hardly groundbreaking stuff.

John Hood’s address leak is quite an entertaining story, but what’s that banner running across the top: ‘security’? And similarly, ‘health’ and ‘press’ elsewhere. Bizarre. Page 3 makes it look like the meningitis girl has actually died.



Cherwell’s splash is ok, but if you’re going to put something on the front page the copy needs to be tighter and bolder.


The ongoing Chinese/Tibetan saga going on at Anne’s is a great story, just don’t mess it up with bad subbing: to spell someone’s name differently in two consecutive paragraphs is just sloppy.

Both papers’ centrespreads were pretty uninspiring: it’s not the ideas that are the problem but the bloody design.  Don’t use a black and white/out of focus photographs on what should be your showpiece pages.  But grainy fashion photos are definitely an improvement on cake.

The Fit College offerings may be improving but Evelyn’s feeling a bit dull in comparison with the Librarian’s fully illustrated gossipfest.

Note the very same Tom Stoppard photograph on the Stu’s p27 that Krishna Omkar supplied to Cherwell in issue 1. Aldate has realised that it’s the rough times that tell you who your friends really are. And then there are those who stab you in the back.

Kuchler: centred back page headlines are quite nausea-inducing. Aldate would be most indebted if you ditched them.


Verdict for both camps this week: could do better.

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