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Oxford Imps
Email [email protected] to be added to the audition list

Performance value: 7
Friendliness: 4
Next big thing? 6

An improvised comedy troupe and one of the most famous of the Oxford theatre groups. But many would doubt their reputation as the most talented bunch of frustrated thesps in Oxford and argue that the imps’ egos are far larger than the laughs they get. If you are unfortunate enough to go to a less than amusing show, make sure you don’t talk to a performer about it, they’re sure to blame the audience rather than their own lack of talent…

Tabs Are For Flying
Email [email protected] with your year of graduation

Performance value: 4
Friendliness: 8
Next big thing? 1

Most of you have probably never heard of them, and judging bu the rather sub-standard “jokes” on their website, you might want to keep it that way. Taff is the organisation for all those wh are interested in getting involved behind the scenes in theatre-lighting, set design etc. There are bound to be some who are keen, but it seems to be all the work with none of the glory…

To join our mailing list, email [email protected]

Performance value: 6
Friendliness: 7
Next big thing? 4

Committed to the performance of Greek drama, Onassis is a graduate programme which researches, funds, performs and preserves classical drama. An incredibly professional group who are regulars at the Edinburgh festival, but some may find them a little too serious for their liking…

Magdalen College Players
Email [email protected]

Performance value: 5
Friendliness: 7
Next big thing? 5

Probably the most active, and best known of the numerous college dramatic societies. Don’t think that just because it’s theatre on a college level it’s inferior to the likes of OUDS. Magdalen College Players are an active bunch who are keen to develop talent rather than just use their friends in each production (like some of the groups on this page). Opportunities to direct as well.

OU Light Entertainment Society
Email the president – [email protected]

Performance value: 9
Friendliness: 9
Next big thing? 1

A non-profit making drama society who are committed to providing entertainment for those who cannot travel to it. As the name suggests, there are no three hour long Greek tragedies here, but this recommends it to most. A light hearted dramatic society with more than their CVs on their minds. Join, indulge your inner thesp, and feel smug that you’re doing something worthwhile.

OU Classical Drama Society
Send your ideas to [email protected]

Performance value: 5
Friendliness: 7
Next big thing? 4

OUCDS is lesser known than its counterpart, OUDS, but this is not indication of the quality of its theatre. Originally established to promote the performance of classical plays in the original language and translation, it now supports several productions a year. If you’re a budding classicist thesp make sure you get involved; if not, don’t bother.

Oxford University Drama Society
Watch Romeo and Juliet, O’Reilly Theatre at Keble, Saturday 22nd November 8.30pm

Performance value: 7
Friendliness: 6
Next big thing? 8

Claiming to be the most vibrant student drama scene in England, OUDS is the umbrella organisation for Oxford drama and puts on over forty productions a term. Accolade aside, OUDS is terribly luvvie and more than just a little bit rah (if only in an ‘I left my Geordie vowels behind at 18, darling’ way). If you’re serious about acting, stay away from their committee and go for a lesser known production which doesn’t have their grubby paws all over it.

The Oxford Revue
Check out FEAR at OFS 20th-24th November

Performance value: 9
Friendliness: 9
Next big thing? 7

Almost the same idea as the Imps, but infinitely funnier and without the ego, the revue are a comedy group with more ambitious ideas than just improv. But don’t expect cutting edge experimental comedy; the imps know what they’re good at and they stick to it. The impressive list of alumni more or less speaks for itself…

Oxford Imps
Email [email protected] to be added to the audition list

Performance value 7
Next big thing? 6


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