OSPL ‘Talent’

“All you need to do to nominate an individual (or, for that matter, yourself)”

Please don’t nominate yourself. Writing 50 words on how brilliant you are is not really a skill and is likely to blow your ego into the stratosphere. Oh, your ‘best mate in the world ever’ did it ‘entirely without your knowledge and you’re so embarrassed’, well that’s OK then.

Then again, the prize is amazing. Membership of the poshest hackery in town, and a ticket to a huge mutual back-slapping OSPL party. Just careful you don’t get overwhelmed by the speeches – surely to make Kate Winslet seem modest and brief.

Fake nominanting people who are rubbish, on the other hand, is heartily approved of by this Saint. 

OSPL talent awards: http://www.cherwell.org/content/8284  



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