Sunday, February 23, 2025

Week 1: The Papers

First the good news, OxStu’s laying is much tidier and has some proper news this week. Librarian also much funnier.

And for the Stu hacks, managing to run another front page story about Wafic Said (known in OUSU towers as THE DEVIL INCARNATE) must rank up there with Christmas. Not able to blame him for the single-handed destruction of the University and possibly the world, they satisfy themselves with reminding readers about the ‘arms deal’ he organised with Saudi Arabia. Nudge nudge, wink wink.

That said, at least it involved some journalistic research. Cherwell lucked out with the timing of the anti-Israel protest. They also managed to somehow run yet another ‘students may possibly use study drugs’ piece. Could they find anyone willing to admit to using them? No, but one anonymous student could ‘definitely understand’ why people might, occasionally feel like they wanted them. Definitely worth a story then.

Josh interview: LOL. He sounded like a celeb whose just checked into rehab and is now doing a tell-all about those heady drug-addled days. 

Elsewhere, the Stu apparently couldn’t think of an ending to their grad job piece. It finishes “Oxford students just don’t answer the questions properly on ap-…”

It also managed to spin a whole page of news out of ‘controversial’ JCR motions, and an article on the ever-thrilling subject of NUS constitutional reforms. Woop.

The features were a bit more interesting though.

As for interviews, Tim Brabants and Frank Turner anyone?? It’s become painfully obvious how much both rags are relying on the Union for anyone notable.  

Cherwell might be going a bit over-board on the whole international front. Comment, editorial and feature on Israel conflict, and 2 features with Obama’s pretty face. Remeber, you are a student newspaper. Even if some ex-hacksdid manage to buy a plane tickets for the inauguration.

Round 2 to Cherwell. Just.

The Saint. x

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