Saturday, February 22, 2025

Week 2: The papers

Oooh a fire! Actual news, with burning and everything. Shame it wasn’t actually animal rights nutters. Makes Oxstu’s ‘arson’ story seem a little overblown. Also, the front page is just really, really ugly. Well overdue a redesign.

Cherwell’s splash was some good old-fashioned journalism.

Very nice Stu story on royalty at Keble. I sense a campaign coming on: change the law to re-instate the Catholic Keble-ite. C’mon ladies, get behind this and you could be the new Chelsy Davy. What a prospect.

Oxstu’s protest aftermath story was too much like re-heated left-overs. Cherwell’s was tighter and actually new.

Cherwell’s Union financial crisis story read like election propaganda for Langman. What did the slateless wonder have to do to get that kind of press? Reports of his ‘extremely hard work’ and target-busting came complete with soft-focus dreamy shots of the Union’s financial saviour. Excuse me while I just throw up.


Over in features, Cherwell somehow wrangle a space in the Revolutionary Road press pack, and then write up a turgidly dull interview with one of the most interesting stars out there. Congrats to the interviewer.

Fred Spring is single-handedly keeping the revolution alive. As if the Daily Mail didn’t hate him enough already.

Oxstu – something on maths, ‘charity shops sell bargains shocker’ and the worst little moaning piece about Oxford in the press. Apparently they bash us because we’re priviledged. Unlike of course the student press, that never uses pictures of the Rad Cam next to blacked up rugby players…


Though I’d really like to throw the Stu a bone, I’ll have to score this one to Cherwell again



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