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Daily Archives: May 12, 2009

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News Roundup: Week 3

Cherwell's weekly dose of news and a humorous look at the rest of the paper

Interview: Holy Fuck

what the Fuck is up with this music scene?

Interview: The Sunshine Underground

we bring a little bit of Sunshine into your life

Review: The Pitchfork Disney

Almost as good as that bit in Bambie where his mother dies

Review: As You Desire Me

Not a play for theatre-goers desiring anything substantial

Review: Angels and Demons

Is the new Dan Brown flick hellish, or simply divine?

Review: Synecdoche, New York

Pericles Megas takes us through Charlie Kaufman's latest offering

Student Politics of Change

Left-wing, right-wing and no-wing at all: different takes on student politics

Communism Reloaded

Joe Shapiro meets Robert Griffths, General Secretary of the British Communist Party

Five Minute Tute: Eu-Revision

Dr Karen Fricker explains the diplomatic masterpiece, musical horrowshow

Brasenose Arts Festival

Cherwell chats to the people behind BNC Arts Fest

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