Tuesday, March 4, 2025

JCR Presidents unite against Queen’s SCR

The forced resignation of The Queen’s College JCR President took a dramatic turn this week after 30 Junior Common Room presidents threw their support behind him.

Nathan Roberts had been due to take up office this term having been elected as head of Queen’s JCR during Trinity Term, but was forced to stand down by the college authorities after achieving a dissatisfactory result in his Prelims.

With the second-year PPEist set to appeal the decision at a meeting of Queen’s’ Governing Body next Wednesday, he was given the full backing of his fellow JCR Presidents, who issued a joint statement expressing their full confidence in him.

The statement read, “We the JCR Presidents acknowledge the recent case of Nathan Roberts, JCR President of The Queen’s College.

“Nathan has our complete confidence and support. He was elected with a strong mandate by the students of Queen’s and has received a further vote of confidence since then.

“It is the undeniable right of people to choose their representatives through their own democratic process. For the SCR to summarily dismiss the legitimate choice is neither free nor fair.

“We hope the SCR of The Queen’s College reconsiders its decision.”

The declaration was drafted after Wednesday’s meeting of OUSU Council and subsequently signed by 30 JCR Presidents. It is understood that the group rallied to Nathan’s cause after concerns arose about how the recent episode might impact on the independence of common rooms across the University.

Asked to comment, Stefan Baskerville, President of the Oxford University Students’ Union, added his voice to those supporting the ousted Queen’s president.

“I support the JCR Presidents’ statement and I think the authorities at Queen’s should reconsider their decision. Nathan has my full support and I have no doubt he will make an excellent JCR President for students at Queens.”

The news comes after Queen’s JCR held an Extraordinary General Meeting last Sunday to discuss the situation, which was sparked after Roberts received a 2:2, despite the college stipulating that he had to achieve a 2:1 to continue in his JCR role.

Roberts’ cause was boosted however when he received an overwhelming vote of confidence during the specially called meeting.

Rebecca Mackintosh, who is currently Acting JCR President of Queen’s stated, “The JCR passed a vote of confidence by a very clear majority of votes.” The Extraordinary Meeting was well attended by approximately 80 people, with standing room only.”

Roberts argued his case in the meeting, “It’s a grey area whether the college is allowed to dictate the choices made by a student outside of academic career and in the area of extra-curricular activities.”

He added, “I wasn’t a complete academic deadbeat last year.”

He added that he welcomed the support he has been given.

He said, “I am incredibly appreciative of the overwhelming support I have had from both the Queen’s JCR and the presidents from other colleges. I can in no way second-guess the decision that the Governing Body will make, but I do I hope to be given a fair hearing.”

Portia Roelofs, a third year student at Queen’s commented, “The fact that CR Presidents have united over this proves that no matter what a college does to evade fair and accountable process – such as issuing harsh and unprecedented ultimatums in the middle of the vac when the President is unable to consult or gain support from the exec or JCR – they will not get away with it.”

She added, “The college must remember that it is not a secondary school “laying down the law” for irksome school children, its job is to work in partnership with the adults who are paying a considerable sum to be here and who deserve to receive due respect and fair treatment in return.

“The only body which can rightfully remove Nathan from his position is the JCR. Were we to have concerns about his academic work we could have brought a vote of no confidence: in fact we did the very opposite, we voted wholeheartedly in support of him. He has organised one of the best freshers’ week in years.”



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