Monday, March 3, 2025

Union in rule change furore

A recent rule change in the Oxford Union has sparked confusion and controversy amongst its members.

Last Thursday, a rule change proposed by ex-Treasurer James Langman was passed in the Chamber, allowing Treasurers and ex-Treasurers to run for the position of Librarian. The motion overturned a rule change banning the practice passed two years previously by then-President Luke Tryl.

A source from within the Union is concerned that the new rules could result in Treasurers and Librarians colluding to run for President unopposed. “In such a scenario, the Treasurer would agree to run to be Librarian rather than President, giving the librarian a free path to the Presidency, allowing both to run unopposed in turn.”

An attempt to make an amendment to the motion allowing only ex-Treasurers to run for Librarian failed.
Langman made an impassioned speech to the chamber in favour of the rule change, which would allow somebody in his position to run to be Librarian if he or she wished.

One Union member, who wished to remain anonymous, suspected that the officers were using rule changes for electioneering purposes. “This rule change was passed through the chamber without members understanding the facts behind the issue,” he said. “It’s a shame that the amendment was not brought forward. The fact that so many ex-officers turned up to vote against it in Standing [Committee] makes it pretty obvious what’s going on.

“I strongly suspect that this isn’t about the good of the Union, it’s about the officers and their own interests when it comes to an election.”

Langman implied in his speech that there may be some link between the rule change and this term’s election. “If this rule change isn’t carried, there will be an uncontested election for librarian­ this year,” he said.

Tryl was critical of the reversal of his policy. He told Cherwell, “I brought this rule change in originally to try and ensure that Union members were given a choice over who ran their union rather than elections being decided in back room deals. I’m disappointed that a group of insiders decided that this was no longer in their self-interest.”

He added, “I only hope that treasurers will be brave enough to actually run for President rather than taking the easy route and running for Librarian and stopping the members from selecting their president.”

Two members of Standing Committee, President-Elect Stuart Cullen and David Thomas, gathered over 150 signatures in a petition to take the rule change to a poll. However, at the very last minute, they decided that a poll would be against the best interests of the society, in part due to the £2,000 cost. However, they deliberately submitted the signatures to the Returning Officer Andrew Mason.

Anna Andrukhovich, a student at Blackfriars college and a member of the Union, attended the debate last Thursday night, but spoke of her frustration at the issue. “I think there are just too many rules and rule changes,” she said.
“The Union is frankly obsessed with rules, which makes it seem unfriendly and inaccessible. People who might do a good job in the society are put off.”

Not everyone was opposed to the move, however. “Members should be able to run for whatever position they want” commented one Union member.


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