Drama Briefing

The sky really is the limit for students’ dramatic ambitions this term. Skimming through the latest OUDS email offers a glimpse of the possibilities. ‘It’s about a man who learns to fly – you could be that man’, reads the tagline for a Film Cuppers entry.

Alternatively, keep your feet on the Edinburgh ground (which will hopefully have thawed by then) as a director or producer at the Fringe Festival, or jet off to (sunny?) Japan, as producer/director for the OUDS Tour 2010, provided you have an artistic concept for a Shakespearean play on the back-burner.

We’re only just back and, bizarrely, their emphasis is very much on getting away. For those thespians flying their student nests this year there’s the Finalists’ Showcase, workshops for aspiring technicians, producers, designers and directors and a masterclass with Barrie Rutter based upon the Northern Broadsides’ production of Medea at the Playhouse (2-6 February).

Fledgling that I am, I don’t feel like abandoning the Oxford stage just yet. There’s the New Writing Festival coming up and, here at Cherwell, we’re gathering performances of original monologues and dialogues for publication online. Even when I do eventually take flight, I’ll soon be coming back, if the Playhouse’s almuni production is anything to go by (Live Canon on 29th January).

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