The Henley Boat Races

Sunday 28th March saw the Dark Blues take on the Light Blues in four races at Henley, with the Dark Blues victorious in three. 

A new addition to the event, the day kicks off with 2 intercollegiate races. First, Worcester Women’s 1st VIII take on Queen’s College, Cambridge. A tightly contested race, ends in victory for the Tabs.

Next Balliol College Men’s 1st VIII take on First and Third, the name given to the boat club of Trinity College, legend goes the college were banned from racing in bumps after a cox was killed in a bump from Trinity on Clare College, before bow balls were standard equipment.

Shifting stake boats cause a minor hiccough to the days racing.

The lightweight women dominate the entire 2km course.

Come Temple Island, the Light Blue dreams are destroyed.

Despite a strong start from Oxford, by Remenham farm the Light Blues begin to make a come back and go on to win by just a 2ft margin.

4:30 Colin Smith, last years victorious OUBC President and graduate of St Catz, presents the medals.

Cox Ellen Kempston lifts the trophy on behalf of Osiris.

The lightweight women’s crew presented with their medals.

Oxford Women also claim victory.

All three Oxford Presidents are presented with Victor Ludorum Francombe Cup. Oxford retains the title after being the more successful of the two universities on the day.

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