Magdalen: we’ll stick it where we want

Magdalen JCR voted on Sunday to continue putting up party-political posters despite the College’s demands to the contrary.

Members of Magdalen were dismayed when posters were torn down from notice boards within the College. 
In an e-mail sent to Tom Meakin, Magdalen JCR President, the Home Bursar said “we do not allow political posters to be displayed in College (I have just removed some of the boards under St. Swithun’s tower.)” 
UKIP posters were reported to have been found on boards around the College, and were suggested to have been the cause of the decision to remove all posters.

The motion, which passed by 34 votes to 5, stated that, “Freedom of political speech is an incontrovertible right,” and the proposition argued that a ban on political posters at election time undermined this.
Henry Curr, who proposed the motion, said, “If we were at home, people would have a right to campaign. It’s a right people deserve here too.”

Following discussions with the Home Bursar and Deans of Art, Magdalen decided on Tuesday to drop its blanket ban on political posters at general election time.
However posters will only be allowed on certain noticeboards in the College. All political posters will have to be taken down on the morning of Friday 7 May. 

In an e-mail to the JCR outlining the compromise, Tom Meakin said, “I realise this is an imperfect solution; I for one am certainly not happy with it.” He added, “Although by no means perfect I hope it will suffice for the moment.”


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