Top five: Ways to celebrate finals

5th: The Fruit Challenge

Select a group of ex-finalists. Select a range of variously-textured pieces of fruit, one species of fruit per participant. Draw lots (or play Fives) to decide who gets which fruit. Then eat your allocated fruit with its skin on, as you would an apple. Oh wait, you drew the pineapple or the banana? Sucks to be you.

4th: Hug a tutor

Perhaps, just a secret aim of a certain member of Cherwell’s Lifestyle team, but surely there’s been a special tutor, who you just HAVE to show some gratitude to. It might be tricky to find the right situation, but think about what your grandchildren can tell their friends… ‘Did you know, my grandma/pa hugged an Oxford don?’

3rd: Kiss a fresher

The end of finals often means the beginning of ‘real life’, where ‘sharking’ is as foreign a concept as ‘Michaelamas’ to a non-Oxonian. See off your final days in Oxford as the ultimate chance to behave irresponsibly, before you enter the ‘real world’ and start your ‘life’. You should know better, but hey, it’s not cool to leave with a squeaky clean reputation is it?

2nd: The ‘Big Three’ day

Peep Show’s Mark Corrigan summarises his idea of the perfect day: ‘Museum, lunch and a snooze… The Big Three!’ He’s right. What could be more improving, satisfying and simultaneously restful than a trip to the Ashmoleum, a boozy déjeuner sur l’herbe and a solid nap?

1st: Go nude

Unfortunately (some might say), public nudity is not socially acceptable. But all that library time means you’re forgiven for forgetting social norms.
Why not go for an outrageous streak around colleges you’ve never used your Bod Card to politely visit? Or how about a cheeky skinny dip in the Cherwell? Daytime nudity is far more outrageous than hiding your bits in dusky nightime, by the way.

Disclaimer: Cherwell is not responsible for any Weil’s disease complaints from those who heed these celebratory tips.


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