A star-tling change

Standard conditional A-Level offers from Oxford for 2012 entry onwards will now require one or two A* grades in certain subjects.

The university had previously stated that it would employ a trial period in which to monitor the effects of the new grade. However, following a review of 2010’s A-level results, some departments’ offers will include A*s.

The move will affect courses in Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences (MPLS). Students applying for Mathematics will now be expected to achieve A*A*A. Biology, Chemistry, Engineering and Physics courses will require A*AA for entry.

A* offers are already routinely made at other top universities.

Other departments will continue to use the standard offer of AAA, but the situation remains under review.

The university emphasised that “A-level grades are far from the only selection criteria for Oxford” and that the initial decision to postpone the introduction of A* offers was not due to the university’s already low state school intake.

Alex Bulfin, OUSU Vice President for Access and Academic Affairs, warned that A* offers “may act as a deterrent to applicants from low socio-economic backgrounds”.

Julia Paolitto, a spokesperson for Oxford admissions, told Cherwell, “Oxford’s policy on the A* grade was to wait two years as teachers indicated that they were uncertain about predictions.

“It is now clear that many students in the sciences get the A* grade, and that it would be reasonable to ask for an A*. By 2012 Oxford believes teachers will have two years of running the syllabus and therefore be able to predict those getting the A* with more confidence.”

OUSU have raised concerns about the impact the new offers may have on access. They emphasised OUSU “will not support the introduction of A* offers where the projected impact on the student body will be negative and where such use of the A* will harm Oxford’s work on access and widening participation.”

However, in a joint statement with OUSU President David Barclay, Bulfin said there was “less scope for negative impact of an A* in MPLS admissions and potential for some positive consequences”, citing Oxford’s competition from other universities.

“There is a risk that as more and more institutions start asking for the A*, the perception to prospective students is that Oxford’s courses are not as good.

“In some MPLS courses last year 100% of those who were offered places and came here to study already had an A* in their A-level results.”

Some students have responded positively to the changes. Carl Bootland, a first year Mathematics student at Exeter, achieved four A* grades in his A-levels.

“I would not be put off from applying to institutions wanting an A*, but it would certainly have changed my second choice university via UCAS.”

Charles Hardwick, President of the OU Engineering Society, said, “making A*AA a standard offer for MPLS is simply falling into line with the competition… As for access, in comparison with the upcoming fee increases, the effect of requiring an A* as a prerequisite will be minimal.”

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