Jesus sun still shining

Jesus College JCR has voted to spend £800 on a sunbed this week, in a move derided by some members of the college as “wasteful” and “decadent”.

The purchase was put forward in a last-minute JCR motion by Jesus Tanning Club and approved at the general meeting last Sunday. The JCR Committee is now awaiting college approval before plans for the sunbed’s installation can go ahead. 

However, concerns over electricity usage and the likelihood of installation in a college-owned building mean the plans are in doubt. A third year student said,  “I’m not averse to a slightly tongue-in-cheek motion being put through. 

“However, if the sunbed was actually bought I would be more concerned. I always thought people look better without having the skin tone of an American football.”

Other students were similarly sceptical. Kathryn Finch, a second year, said, “I was surprised at the news. 

“My first reaction was that I’m not really up for paying for institutionalised cancer. It just sounds like a bit of a waste of money.”

The sunbed purchase comes after the “death of fun” at Jesus last term. Students wore black armbands in protest at increased academic pressure from college authorities.

Declan Clowry, a second year student at Jesus, was more optimistic. “Decadent?” He said. “Maybe. But it’s probably cheaper and greener than flying off somewhere hot.”

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