Fashion Team Profile: Amy

Name: Amy Hadfield

Role: Deputy

Who’s your fashion icon?

Emanuelle Alt – the best thing to happen to skinny-fit grey jeans since Kate Moss.  

Who’s your favourite designer?

Jill Sander, purely because she was responsible for my favourite pair of Uniqlo trousers. Not only are they fit for both formal hall and Baby Love, but they are also blessed with a well-disguised expandable waistline.

Which shops would be on your fantasy High Street?

One where Urban Outfitters, American Apparel and All Saints accept Monopoly money. 

What’s your favourite magazine?

Paris Match. Because reading trashy, gossipy stories in French is classier, right?

Who’s your favourite blogger?

Betty Autier – I love this blog as much for the writer’s clothes-eating rabbit as for the clothes. Whenever he’s mentioned I immediately imagine that his life is like the Monty Python and the Holy Grail ‘killer bunny’ scene crossed with The September Issue.

Favourite current trend?

Colour blocking. True, I might look back at my orange trousers a few years from now and ask how I could have ever worn them, but by then I’ll be able to blame it on the impressionability of youth.

Biggest fashion disaster?

Purple pedal-pushers with white socks and black trainers. The fact that I was 12 is no excuse.

In your opinion, where’s the most stylish place in Oxford?

Park End cheese floor. No explanation necessary. It just is.

Top Tip:  

If you are ever about to buy a pair of shoes purely because they are ‘comfortable’, find a mirror, look at yourself and imagine that it’s your mother or grandmother staring back at you; they might be the most stylish people in the world, but do you really want to turn into them at such a young age? Then put the shoes back on the shelf and back out of the shop.


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