Oxford’s Best: Kebab Van

People really seem to like reviewing Kebab vans on the Internet. Sometimes while inebriated. Do we know why? No. Will this stop us? No.

eople really seem to like reviewing Kebab vans on the Internet. Sometimes while inebriated. Do we know why? No. Will this stop us? No.
There are about fifty Kebab vans in Oxford and they are, in all honesty, pretty difficult to compare. They are similar in price-range and “menu” options. (And let’s not forget their elegant décor.) Judgment on this matter really depends on one’s location and level of sobriety. 
My personal favorite is Botley Kebab, but this has little to do with their food. (Stay away from the falafel.) I hardly expect any Oxonian to walk his or her butt all the way down there at a time when walking in a straight line is conceivably out of the question; regrettably, though, I used to live in Botley and along with my cheese and chips the “kebab guys” offered me what was a strange kind of safe haven from potential assailants. Plus they were always speedy and called me “Gorgeous.” 
I am led to understand that Hassan’s on Broad Street is a crowd pleaser. It’s delicious, super efficient, pretty reasonably priced, and a prime location for late night studiers. I quote: “If you are gonna make the extra five minute walk, go to Hassan’s. And there’s always a line so you know it’s good.” Hard to argue with that logic.
McCoy’s on St. Aldate’s is another that comes highly recommended. Stop and Bite on George Street sadly sucks. I’ll say no more. And Houssain’s on St. Giles isn’t great—I waited for about 10 minutes for eight chicken nuggets—but it is close to city center and convenient for those of us high tailin’ it to Jericho every evening. 
Really guys, chips are chips. You just want to make sure you get ‘em while they’re hot and the man serving them isn’t looking down your shirt.

There are about fifty Kebab vans in Oxford and they are, in all honesty, pretty difficult to compare. They are similar in price-range and “menu” options. (And let’s not forget their elegant décor.) Judgment on this matter really depends on one’s location and level of sobriety. 

My personal favorite is Botley Kebab, but this has little to do with their food. (Stay away from the falafel.) I hardly expect any Oxonian to walk his or her butt all the way down there at a time when walking in a straight line is conceivably out of the question; regrettably, though, I used to live in Botley and along with my cheese and chips the “kebab guys” offered me what was a strange kind of safe haven from potential assailants. Plus they were always speedy and called me “Gorgeous.”

I am led to understand that Hassan’s on Broad Street is a crowd pleaser. It’s delicious, super efficient, pretty reasonably priced, and a prime location for late night studiers. I quote: “If you are gonna make the extra five minute walk, go to Hassan’s. And there’s always a line so you know it’s good.” Hard to argue with that logic.

McCoy’s on St. Aldate’s is another that comes highly recommended. Stop and Bite on George Street sadly sucks. I’ll say no more. And Hussain’s on St. Giles isn’t great—I waited for about 10 minutes for eight chicken nuggets—but it is close to city center and convenient for those of us high tailin’ it to Jericho every evening.

Really guys, chips are chips. You just want to make sure you get ‘em while they’re hot and the man serving them isn’t looking down your shirt.

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