Sunday, March 9, 2025

From RAGs to Riches

RAG announced that they raised a record-breaking £119,368 which more than doubles last year’s total of £46,00. The money will be split equally between Shelter, Pathways Workshop, Helen & Douglas House and Emerge Global.

RAG President Charlotte Le Flufy commented that RAG “provided more support and encouragement to colleges, societies, and individuals to run bigger, better University-wide events”. She also thanked the College Charity reps and RAG committee members who “have dedicated a huge amount of effort and time into making this year successful.”

Daniel Lowe, OUSU Vice-President for Charities and Community commented, “it has been a privilege to work with such a committed RAG team, and to see OUSU’s support lead to such a fantastic result for so many worthy causes.” He stated that RAG’s success was ‘just a part of what has been an incredibly productive year for OUSU’.

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