Friday, March 14, 2025

BNC JCR cash control

Following the expenditure of a £500 bust of BNC’s ex-JCR President Paul Gladwell, a motion to prevent unnecessary expenditure was put forward before the JCR.

Proposed by Gavin Fourie and seconded by Richard Hoyle, it said that all expenditure over £250 must be approved at two successive JCR meetings.
The motion stated, “£500 was roughly the cost of the pre-drinks before the Christmas party, so while the JCR does have some money, there are some much better uses for the community.”
At present, the Brasenose JCR constitution says that “donations” over £250 must be passed twice, the constitution may be ammended to include any expenditure over £250.
The JCR has agreed to pay £4,000 towards the loss of the BNC ball,  and is also deciding whether to renew a Sky Sports and ESPN package.
JCR President Dan Wainwright said, “The motion was simply to clarify that it meant expenditure. The bust of Paul Gladwell was a one off expenditure, so does not have a hugely significant effect on our year on year finances. The Sky Sports/ESPN package obviously does, but we are looking into ways of lowering the cost.”
The motion was not voted on last Sunday as it was submitted late. It will be considered during the next JCR meeting in 7th week.

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