Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Oddbins to close

Wine retailer Oddbins on High Street will be closing down, as landlords Oriel College have chosen not to renew their lease. The drinks chain which went into administration in April last year was subsequently bought up by a new owner. Many stores were kept open.

A spokesperson from the shop told Cherwell that they had been in negotiations with the college since the takeover six months previously, but that there was “under a month’s notice for staff” who will lose their jobs. She went on to express her “anger at Oriel” noting that “differences have not been resolved.”

Wilf Stephenson, Treasurer at Oriel explained that “the College has been seeking to ensure that the best possible new tenant takes a lease of the shop in Oxford High Street whether this is the company that acquired the Oddbins name or another retailer.” He added, “Agreement has now been reached with the administrators for surrender of the lease and negotiations continue with the College’s preferred new tenant.” It is thought Oriel is likely to lease the premises to another drinks chain.

Nevertheless those at Oddbins said “it would have been nice if Oriel had let us stay.” The shop is popular with students, with one 2nd year at Oriel noting, “people go there last minute to buy some cheap booze before they go out.” The current management at least believe that they will not be easily replaced, adding “we will be sorely missed, there are few other independent wine shops in Oxford and we are integral to the community.”

Aspire Style is also situated on High Street and has Brasenose College as its landlord. The manager told Cherwell, “It can be a mixed blessing being looked after by a college. Last summer the landlord decided to re-do the outside of some of the buildings on High Street. This was done outside of term time so students weren’t inconvenienced, but the fact it was peak tourist season, and the busiest time for businesses was not taken into account.”

Despite this, others were positive about their relations with college landlords. Past Times on Turl Street occupies a unit owned by Lincoln College. They remarked that they “had not had any problems” and that “the landlords are always attentive and polite.” It was a similar story at nearby Celebrations, also owned by Lincoln, whose manager registered no complaints “except for high rent”, but he added “that’s just part of being in central Oxford.”

One retailer, whose premises were leased by University College, however, had sympathy for Oddbins, noting “any landlord would be stupid to be getting rid of tenants in this climate.” The wine retailer will be shutting up shop on High Street by the end of next week, according to its management, but the branch on Little Clarendon Street is understood to be remaining open.

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