Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Cheer up London Welsh, the Sirens are here

The final day of May, and the final day of our abrupt (albeit appreciated) Oxford heatwave was the beginning of a new chapter in history for the Oxford University cheerleaders.

The Oxford Sirens, the University’s premier cheer squad, performed at the Kassam stadium last Wednesday in front of an audience in excess of 3,400. Supporting the London Welsh Rugby Club, the Sirens performed a routine which took them an intense ten days to devise and rehearse.

The cheerleaders danced and stunted to a complication of the Black Eyed Peas ‘Pump it’ and Rihanna’s ‘Turn Me On’ amongst the club’s notorious dragon mascot. The routine was performed prior to the match and during half time of the Championship final, rallying the crowd as the Exiles clinched their long-awaited Championship title.

‘It was an amazing opportunity to show people who wouldn’t usually watch cheerleading all the great things we can do!’ Steph Burrel commented. The flyer added, ‘I would jump at the opportunity to do it again as the atmosphere of performing in the stadium was electric.’

Suze Hawkins, biological scientist at Catz, is president of the 30-strong team, which accepts both male and females in the squad.  ‘As president, it took a lot of phone calls and emails to organise the event, and I’m so glad it paid off!’ Suze told the Cherwell. ‘I’m so proud of everyone’s commitment and hard work, it looked amazing, even the rugby fans loved it! I’m looking forward to more events like this, as well as competition season next Hilary with a whole new squad.’

Grace Lavelli, finalist and Siren’s veteran, describes the performance as being ‘a very different style of cheerleading to what we usually do’, the cheerleaders usually competing in competitions against other Universities and all-star squads. This year the Sirens have competed three times across the country, claiming a respectable fourth place at University Nationals for their level 3 co-ed routine in Doncaster.

The Sirens are delighted with the response. DPhil student and Vice-President Michelle Savage commented ‘the performance was a really fun and enriching experience and I’m really glad to have been able to share it with the Oxford Sirens. It really showcased what is possible to achieve given hard work and dedication.’

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