Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hilary Drama: An A to Z

Animals, Small and Furry
Bunny, by the writer of Skins and set in Luton, runs at the Burton Taylor in 5th
week, while Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, written by Tennessee Williams and set in Mississippi, appears in 6th week in LMH.

Colours, Primary
They Will Be Red and Blue Beard both appear in 2nd week in the Burton Taylor. With a bit of imagination, convince yourself that the colour green is represented by Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, running at Keble in 7th week

Kin-Killing and Athlete’s Foot
Happily, neither of this term’s Greek tragedies runs in 5th week. Antigone
gets staged at Keble and Philoctetes at Corpus, both in 6th week.

New Writing
The Burton Taylor, famous for new writing, matches these expectations this
term: virtually every week it will play host to something newly written. The
pick of the bunch will be OUDS’s New Writing Festival in 7th week, where
there’s some guarantee of quality: four shows out of 29 entries selected by Anya Reiss, a young British playwright.

Philosophy, Disney-Style
A Theory of Justice: The Musical running in 3rd week, in Keble, sees John Rawls travel back in time. See the article on the left.

“In” features heavily this term; Angels in America, at the Playhouse in 2nd Week; Marx in Soho, at the Burton Taylor in 4th; and A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, at the Burton Taylor in 6th, will all star this much-beloved monosyllable.

The Oxford Revue take theirs in 8th week in the Burton Taylor.

Serious Shakespearian Actors
Bill is unearthed again for The Merchant of Venice in 7th week at Corpus, and gets parodied by the Imps at the Burton Taylor the week before.

See New Writing, and Kin-Killing.

Cherwell Stage this term.

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