Prince Charles to visit Oxford

THE PRINCE of Wales is to visit St Stephen’s House on 4th February where he will spend time with those training to be ministers in the Church of England. 

St Stephen’s House is a Permanent Private Hall offering formation, education and training for a variety of qualifications and ministries. 

The Prince will visit the Hall’s Mission House on Marston Street and the Church of St John the Evangelist on Iffley Road. 

While visiting the church, the Prince will talk to craftsmen involved with the conservation of the grade one listed building and the team who have advised on the creation of its new performance venue, SJE Arts. 

He will also meet singer-songwriter Patrick Wolf who is performing in the venue the same evening. 

The London artist will be playing tracks from his double album Sundark & Riverlight, a collection of stripped-back re-recordings. 

Canon Robin Ward, Principal of St Stephen’s House, commented, “It is a tremendous honour for us to welcome His Royal Highness. It is particularly exciting for those men and women of all ages who are studying with us to become ordained as priests. 

“Prince Charles’s visit is also enormously encouraging for everyone involved in our ambitious plans for SJE Arts – although we still need to raise more than a million pounds for conservation work and repairs, many of which are increasingly urgent,” the Canon added. 

One student commented, “This is incredibly exciting. Charlie is coming to Cowley!” 

The College is home to around 70 students, including ordinands to the Church of England, postgraduate theologians, and those studying the PGCE in order to become teachers. 

The Prince of Wales will also meet students, staff and supporters during a visit to the Said Business School and will officially open the new building. 

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