Monday, March 3, 2025

Sportswear battle at Keble Cafe

A recent ban on muddy sportswear in Keble Cafe resulted in an emergency motion being added to the college’s JCR meeting agenda. The motion, proposed by rugby player John Harkness, stated that, “This ban constitutes a draconian violation of our freedom of expression, at odds with Keble’s reputation as a fair and inclusive college.” It concluded with the assertion that the JCR President James Newton should make a  eversal of the ban his “top priority.”

An amendment was proposed, suggesting that a reversal should simply be “a priority” for Newton. A vote was eventually taken on the amended motion, with first results coming back as 24 for, 14 against and 26  abstentions.

However, due to the vehemence of the rugby players present, a re-vote was called, and the motion with results finally standing as 26 for, 13 against and 22 abstaining. Harkness told Cherwell, “I was obviously delighted when the motion passed, despite the President’s attempts to gazump it. A victory for justice and common sense.”

In an email to Keble students the next day Newton said, “It is only muddy sports clothing that is banned. Please feel free to go in there in whatever sporting attire you so wish.” He told Cherwell, “Keble is renowned worldwide for its sporting prowess. It is therefore of great relief that our stash-clad heroes are still able to access their much deserved flowerpot muffins – so long as they learn how to shower first…”

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