The Top 12: 2nd Week

1. Withnail and I 

@Ultimate Picture Palace, 11pm Friday 26th

This is the greatest comedy film of all time. If you haven’t seen it, do. If you have seen it, see it again. Grant, McGann and the late Richard Griffiths make the tale of two alcoholic actors a tragicomic tour de force.


2. Itchy Feet

@O2 Academy, 10 pm Tuesday 30th

If you’re unfamiliar with May Day, Dots Funk Odyssey or Itchy Feet, then you clearly need to get out more. Dust off your dancing shoes and your Pulp Fiction moves – it’s a long night ahead.


3. The Dreamboys

@New Theatre, 7:30pm Wednesday 1st

They’re apparently the UK’s most famous male strip act. Not that we’d know about that. If you fancy an evening of heavily be-muscled men gyrating on a stage, this would seem to be the event for you.


4. Rope

@Old FireStation, 8pm Saturday 27th

Patrick Hamilton’s play, inspired by a real-life murder, was the basis for Hitchcock’s seminal film . This production, from the team that did POSH, takes it back to the source material.


5. Keble Arts Festival

@Keble College, Until Sunday 28th

It’s your last chance to experience the Keble Arts Festival. Make sure not to miss out on the Oxford Art Showcase.


6. Audrey

@Wheatsheaf, 9pm Tuesday 30th

 Widely acknowledged as “not quite as good as the footlights”, the Revue is the lifeblood of Oxford comedy. Make of that what you will. Their showcase of new material is sure to be pretty damn funny.


7. Oxford Ukeleles

@Port Mahon, 7:30pm Monday 29th

Have you ever wanted to learn a proper instrument? Well, if you can’t do that, you may as well give the Ukelele a go. This informal group meets every other Monday and promises both a musical education and a good time.


8. Iron Man 3

@Almost any cinema, from Friday 26th

As terrible as the last film was, as awful as Ben Kingsley’s accent as “The Mandarin” promises to be, as woeful as Gwyneth Paltrow’s acting skills are, we must all take some guilty pleasure in watching Robert Downey Jr. jetting around the screen. If nothing else, the improbable engineering of the Iron Man suit will continue to anger science students, and that is always something to be commended. 


9. Manju Netsuke

@Ashmolean, Until September

 These Japanese carvings are named after a type of sweet bun, and depict the culture and history of the country. The exhibition ought to be worth a look, and they’re around for an absolute age, so there’s really no excuse to miss it!


10. Major Lazer

@O2 Academy, 7pm Thursday 2nd

Diplo’s side project, Major Lazer is performing – who knows what lunacy may occur. If you’re a fan of their debut album, Guns don’t kill people, Lazers Do, you should definitely attend. It’ll be fun. Probably.


11. Alister McGrath – C.S. Lewis: A Life

@Blackwell’s, 7pm Thursday 2nd

The author of the newest and most thorough biography of the creator of Narnia is talking about his findings and signing copies of the book.


12. Modern Art Tour

@Modern Art Oxford, Afternoon of Sunday 28th

The team at Modern Art Oxford are giving a short and informal tour of the exhibitions. Apparently it’s popular enough to make booking essential, so get in early!

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