Sunday, February 23, 2025

JCR motion throne out

A motion was proposed at Balliol this week to buy the Iron Throne featured in the HBO TV series “Game of Thrones”.

The “Motion of Thrones” was originally put forward by Angus Hawkins and Josh Jones. The two JCR committee members’ motion argued that the JCR needed the throne because “Balliol College JCR currently lacks authority in the realm of Westeros” and “an Iron Throne can be purchased for only USD $30,000, with free delivery.”

However, after intense discussion, the motion was defeated due to concerns over the effect it would have on the JCR’s finances.

Hawkins told Cherwell, “Frankly, I’m shocked that it didn’t pass. I’m inclined to blame my co-sponsor Josh Jones, who betrayed me at the last minute and voted against the motion, in much the same way that the Mad King was betrayed by the Kingslayer, Jaimie Lannister. I subsequently removed his right hand in retribution.”

However, Jones argued in response “As important as I think it is for the JCR to own the Iron Throne, I will only ever pay the Iron price. As such, buying it using JCR funds would be against my Ironborn beliefs.”
The motion also sought to increase the power of Balliol’s JCR President, Alex Bartram.

In the wording of the motion, Bartam is referred to as “Alex of House Bartram, the first of his name”. Hawkins and Jones suggested “that strong Presidential authority is essential to orderly GMs” and that “The Iron Throne confers such authority.”

They further stated in the motion that Bartram was a far superior contender to the Iron Throne than Joffrey Baratheon.

There were mixed responses to the motion within Balliol’s JCR. Rebecca Hannon, a Balliol Game of Thrones fan, opined, “Although I would have loved to have seen the soughtafter Iron Throne of Westeros residing in Balliol, it was a lot of money so I can see why it wasn’t to be.”

The motion also contained a clause whereby a seven inch replica of the throne, costing £34.99 would be bought instead, if the JCR thought the life size throne too expensive. It was suggested by Hawkins and Jones that a smaller model “confers much the same advantages”.

However Richard May, a committee member of the JCR told Cherwell, “The motion said that the committee could buy the 7 inch replica instead if they judged the $30k one too expensive, but someone pointed out that it would be unconstitutional for the committee to overrule the JCR like that, so if it passed we’d HAVE to buy the $30k one.”

At the time of print $30, 000 is equal to just under £20,000.
Despite the expense many of the students supported the motion.

Richard further opined, “Half of us thought it would be hilarious, and the treasurer supported it too. But enough people were boring and sensible to kill it.”

Although the throne featured in the series is meant to be made out of swords, the replica version is made out of fiberglass. The HBO website boasts that it is seven feet tall and that “calling it ‘impressive’ in an understatement”.

The GM motion also said, “Winter is coming” and “Where are my dragons”.

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