Monday, March 3, 2025

Twin girls released from hostage situation

The girls had been involved in the situation since 3.40 BST this morning, when armed police were called to deal with a “domestic related incident”.

Although thought to be armed, the father, 38, made no threat to the girls. He has been in regular communication with police and one of the girls was released at 09.45. The second girl was released shortly before noon.

The man’s motive for holding the twins is unclear. He has made no demands and didn’t ask for anything in return for his daughters’ release, although he is thought to be estranged from the girls’ mother. He is not believed to be a threat to the public.

He remains inside the flat on Morton Avenue. He does not own the property. A cordon has been put in place around the building, and Thames Valley Police have closed Morton Avenue to “allow police operations to safely take place”. However, residents are assured that the situation is under control.

Up to fifty police officers are involved in the situation, some of them armed.

Superintendant Christian Blunt, who is involved with the police operation, said, “I’d like to provide reassurance to the public that we have this fully in hand, we have the area contained and we have firearms officers that are deployed and are currently dealing with this incident.”

A statement from Kidlington Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “This is a contained incident and neighbourhood officers will be carrying out patrols speaking to residents.”

Les Holstead, local resident, informed the BBC that Morton Avenue was normally a quiet and peaceful area, but that police had told residents to stay indoors for their own safety, due to the fact that arms are involved.

Motorists are strongly advised to avoid roads surrounding Morton Avenue as there will be little or no access until the situation is resolved.


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