Tuesday, March 18, 2025

New gowns for students with Undergraduate Master’s degrees

The new gowns, which are only to be worn by holders of an Undergraduate Master’s degree and at their graduation ceremony – but not by those currently studying – are to be comparable to graduate Master’s gowns. They will consist of a laced gown of the same pattern as the MSt type, and a silk hood lined with sand fabric in the same shape as the MA hood.

Senior Proctor Professor Jonathan Mallinson told Cherwell, “Undergraduate Master’s degree courses include a fourth year of study which is closer to that of Masters’ level work; it is therefore appropriate that the gown should be distinguished from the ordinary BA gown”.

He continued, “The design of the gown echoes that of the MSt which is perhaps the nearest equivalent to the final level of the undergraduate Masters.”

The decision to adopt the new gowns, announced last Thursday, came after the vice-chancellor and proctors agreed upon the new design. The new arrangements will come into effect in January 2014, and will apply to holders of the MBiochem, MChem, MCompSci, MEarthSci, MMaths and MPhys degrees, as well as joint subject equivalents, and future degrees of the same status.

One exasperated MPhys student told Cherwell, “I thought this would be something like a Scholars’ gown. That’s disappointing to say the least”.

However, one Hertford chemist said, “I am glad that the extra year of study on our Masters course will be recognised in this way. It’s nice that the extra work that we will do is going to be acknowledged, even if we won’t be getting new gowns to wear around college”.

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