Wadham MCR’s Men’s Rep calls undergrads "little shits"

Wadham’s SU President Anya Metzer has condemned an email sent by Wadham MCR’s Men’s Officer as “offensive and hostile.”

The MCR’s Men’s Officer caused controversy after sending an email to the MCR which described the undergraduate body as “little shits”.

Metzer said, “The tone and content of the email sent by the MCR Men’s Officer is clearly unacceptable as the language is offensive and hostile, especially considering the proposed gift of an Xbox from the undergraduates.”

The email was referring to a motion which may result in the SU buying a Playstation 4 for the Junior Common Room, with the MCR rep trying to ensure the motion went through.


The email starts by dismissing “trashy” links sent by the SU and sarcastically stating that “the SU occasionally hide away useful information in the ridiculous formatted emails of theirs”, going on to ask the MCR to pack the SU meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Sunday).

The email states, “Please could everyone do their best to come down to the SU meeting tomorrow to make sure that no little shits undergrad manages to garner support for removing this clause, and also to make sure they do agree to buy a PS4.”

One Wadham second-year commented that, “I am shocked and appalled.”

In a tweet OUSU President Tom Rutland described the comments as “not very nice really”.

Daniel Zajarias-Fainsod, President of the Wadham MCR, declined to comment. 

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