Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cherwell live tweet the #OxfordUnionVigil

Over 100 people have gathered outside the Oxford Union in a vigil to protest the “casual response” to rape allegations against Union President Ben Sullivan.

This follows the Union’s decision to avoid a vote of no confidence in Sullivan last week.

Sullivan was arrested on 7th May on suspicion of rape and attempted rape and subsequently released on bail without charge.

Since then, the Oxford Union has come under criticism from students and the wider public. Several of this term’s planned speakers have cancelled engagements at the Union, including Tawakkol Karman, Julie Meyer, Eric Whitacre, and Norman Finkelstein. Other speakers, like philosopher A.C. Grayling, have defended their decisions to attend on the basis that Sullivan is innocent until proven guilty.

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Students and Oxford townspeople speaking at outside the Union #OxfordUnionVigil

— Cherwell (@Cherwell_Online) June 5, 2014

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